Tracked users batch update

Tracked users batch update is used to add or change user properties, which can then be used to segment Product Fruits content to display only for users with these specific properties. 

The selected properties will be set to the same values for all selected users. If you want to display Product Fruits content to a group of users but you know only usernames or e-mails and these users don't have any other common property. You can upload the list of users, create a new custom property and set it to some value. You can then use this custom property in the segmentation.

This is an experiment feature that is only available if you are on the Boost plan. It is not enabled by default, please contact us to try it out!

How to use it

  1. Go to Tracked Users ( Click the More icon --> Users --> Tracked Users) and switch to the Batch update tab.
The tracked user page of the Product Fruits administration highlighting the Batch update users tab

2. Create a TXT or CSV file with usernames or e-mails. Write one user per line. For example:

An example of a txt file to be used for a batch users update

3. Select if you uploaded a list of usernames or e-mails. This is important, we match users based on this setting.

The Batch update users screen highlighting the choice between usernames and emails

4. Add as many fields you'd like to update and enter the values of these fields. You can either type in a new custom property:

The user properties to update section of the Batch users update screen

Or select from the dropdown for built-in user properties:

The user properties to update section of the Batch users update screen highlighting the dropdown properties menu

5. Start the batch update:

The Batch users update screen highlighting the Start batch update button


6. It may take a few minutes, but you can then see the user properties in the Tracked Users of Product Fruits administration when clicking on the user:

An example of a tracked user showing a custom property added through Batch users update


You can then use these properties to create custom rules and segments

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