Announcements overview

Announcements can be used for displaying promotional content or post changelogs.

There are three types of announcements that you can leverage for different use cases.

1. Newsfeed 

Use the Newsfeed to keep users up-to-date and promote the exploration of new features. The Newsfeed is great for showing new announcements and announcement history. The Newsfeed increases user engagement and boosts upsells! 

example of a newsfeed

2. Banners 

Banners are an effective way to communicate important news to your users. Use banners to invite users to webinars or display information about maintenance.

two different examples of Product Fruits banners


3. Pop-ups

Pop-ups are great way to share exciting news, announcements of new features, or release notes. Pop-ups can be used to start tours or prompt the user to take a survey. 

example of a popup