SSO with OneLogin

OneLogin requires an account with admin rights (the rights to create new applications).

What we need before beginning

  1. A SAML 2.0 Endpoint URL (Step 5 in customer configuration below) 
  2. An SLO Endpoint URL (Step 5 in customer configuration below) 
  3. A Certificate (Step 7 in customer configuration below) 
  4. An email Domain(s)

Customer configuration with OneLogin 

1. Log in to the OneLogin Dashboard, and click Applications > Add App.

The One Login Applications page with Add App highlighted

2. Search for SAML (SAML Custom Connector (Advanced))

The One Login Find Applications page with saml being searched

3. Change the Display Name to “Product Fruits” (This name will be displayed on the OneLogin login screen) 

The One Login Add SAML page showing Product Fruits as a new Portal

4. Click SAVE.

5. Go to the SSO tab and copy the values for the SAML 2.0 Endpoint (HTTP) and SLO Endpoint (HTTP) 

The One Login SAML Custom Connector Advanced page with SAML and SLO endpoints highlighted

6. Click SAVE.

7. Click on the View Details link in the X.509 Certificate field. 

The One Login View Certificate Details SSO Screen

8. Download the X.509 certificate.

The One Login Standard Strength Certificate page showing the option to download the certificate

9. Go to the Parameters tab and map “email” to the NameId and Email (Product Fruits uses the email claim to identify the user) 

The One Login SAML Custom Connector Advanced page with SAML Custom Connecter NameID value highlighted

10. Go to the Configuration tab and setup the Audience (EntityID) and ACS (Consumer) URLs as follows:

ACS (Consumer) URL: 

Audience (EntityID): urn:auth0:productfruits: COMPANY_SSO_IDENTIFIER 

(You can find Product Fruits COMPANY_SSO_IDENTIFIER under the user management SSO tab) 

The One Login SAML Custom Connector Advanced page with Audience and ACS Consumer URL highlighted
Note: Once we set up SSO for a particular domain the Product Fruits login will automatically redirect all requests to the identity provider side. Make sure you have already set up everything on the OneLogin side and that all values are valid. 

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