Custom buttons and JavaScript actions

This is a Boost feature and is not currently available for all accounts.

If you want to execute a custom action after the user clicks on a custom button in tour/hint cards, this article will explain how to do that.

Add a custom button

To add a custom button to a card, you'll need to add a new section using the green plus icon    and selecting the "Button" option. 

After adding the button, select the "Execute JavaScript" action. You will need to insert the identification of the action, which can be any string. You will need this identifier later in your JavaScript code.

an example of a custom button on a tour card with the custom button command Execute JavaScript and the identification being my button 1

Handle the action in your code

Then, somewhere in your code, you must listen for the productfruits_card_custom_btn_click event. You will get the identifier (that you set in the previous step) as the event parameter. For example:

window.addEventListener('productfruits_card_custom_btn_click', (e) => {
	if ( == 'my-button-1') {;

As you can see, we checked if the identifier of the button is equal to what we set before and then we used Product Fruits JS API to advance the tour to the next step.

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